Sunday, 25 May 2014

What Goes With This?

This week I was introduced to a fab new website called, What Goes With This? (WGWT for short). 
WGWT is a brilliant website and fashion community for asking and giving style advice. The site allows you to do three main things: 
1) Follow shops such as Zara, H&M, ShopBop, Revolve Clothing, Banana Republic and ASOS, to name a few, and save any items that you like to your member profile. 
2) Upload photographs of your latest buys and ask the question, What goes with this? Community members then give you suggestions using products from the various shop feeds which also link to the stores where you can buy. You may also spot an item that you like in the shop feeds and ask community members about that product. 
3) On top of that, you can also create outfits from the inventories and have people comment and make suggestions about your outfit choices. 
After browsing the various shop feeds and picking items that I liked, I created a few outfits for some casual dates ... what do you think?
World Cup Outfit
Check out the outfit I made on #WGWT!
Shopping in the Sun
Check out the outfit I made on #WGWT!
Casual Lunch Date in Plaid
Check out the outfit I made on #WGWT!
Membership for WGWT is completely free and the site is definitely worth the visit for any fashion lovers looking for inspiration. I warn you though, it's very addictive!! 
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  1. that reali cool website.. will visit now. thks for sharing
    new post here

  2. i don't know this site...i think it's very cool..i like the bag..

  3. ooh this app looks like fun, just what I need aha - great outfits too :)
    Alanah | Alarah


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