Sunday, 21 July 2013

Green Chiffon

Today, I went on a trip to North Berwick to catch some sunshine by the sea side. Total fail! Not only did we wrongly assume that it would be sunny there because it was sunny in Glasgow but we also forgot The Open was also being held nearby and therefore got caught in some traffic. 

However, the day was not a total wipeout because we did find a lovely traditional italian restaurant whilst there called Cucina Amore. I highly recommend it if anyone is visiting North Berwick. I wore a green chiffon dress which ultimately ended up slightly crushed on the car journey from Glasgow to North Berwick (90 minute drive) - so please ignore the wrinkles in the photos :(

Outfit: Green Dress (similar) / Wedges (Dune) / Bag (similar)

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoy what is left of it.


  1. You are so adorable!! I love this look on you!!
    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!!

  2. Classic dress and love the shoot background! I don't usually add my link but I would love it if you linked up to my new style linky Fashion Friday

  3. Fabulous dress, love!

    Thank you for linking up with Friday’s Fab Favorites!

    Lauren xx


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