Sunday, 6 September 2009

Fashion: Free Shipping Everywhere at ShopBop.Com is one of my favourite online stores although I was always a bit hesitant to buy from as the shipping costs to the UK were a bit much what with the possibility of getting hit by customs also. I could therefore barely contain my excitement when I saw a banner on the site stating that there was free shipping EVERYWHERE now there is a slight catch to this, there is free shipping everywhere if you live in the States or Canada BUT the good news is if your spending is over $100 it is free and if it is under then you're only paying $10 thats right DOLLARS so thats like £6 postage! WooooHoooooo :) It's Labor Day over in the states just now too so you can take advantage of loads of discounts at the same time. Sound good? I think it sounds fabulous!!! What you waiting for click shopbop now and go see what the fuss is all about.
Here are a few of my fave items from the site.

All images belong to shopbop

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